Sunday, May 5, 2024

This is Badger Motors Looking Deeply Into your Inventory - You need more bikes!!!

We need to talk...

Guys, when you have heard those words from your better half, "we need to talk" it gets your attention becuase it means a few things:  1.  you've screwed up and you'll soon be living out of a box 2. this is going to cost you a lot in the way jewelry or a new car and 3. my mother is coming to stay with us and you can't watch sports while she's here.  God help you, it could be all of the above.

Seriously, could it mean anything else?  Ladies, you know the power of your words and we proclaim..... guys, shhhhh..... she's out of the room righ?    Guys she can't hear me?  Ahem, she's not around?  Well dammit, look, this is some serious shit!  

Okay, guys, here it is...the coast is clear and we do need to have this talk.  I'm concerned, you aren't doing things for yourself and you need to carve out your place in your soul to do guy shit...and not just fart jokes.

That new motorcycle, "that old thing  has been in my inventory for years" and here is some Earthstones shiny objects for you.  Do you see where I am going?  

Guys, you aren't trying hard enough and if you can't look in your inventory, pull out a new favorite ride and hit the road, how can you be complete of mind?  

Your problem is you have some really old bikes and you never liked them when you got them because, let's face it, she said, "I like that one, its pretty."  Out came your wallet and vroom vroom, happy wife, happy life but Brother, you aren't nearly as happy as you could be.

I'm going to help you with this.  Here is what you will say and do.  You didn't buy a new bike from Badger Motors today.  No  Sir, you always had it in THE inventory.  It was in my inventory and now my friend, it is in yours.  Sure a transaction occurred  but that is merely passing through the gate to happiness.  

Look at you, sitting atop of your new steed, feeling young, feeling powerful and feeling that man you were when you met her.  She will see you as you were, that bad ass who swept her off her feet before the trips to Chez Moi.  Your secret, our secret, is going to be safe with me.

Ladies, I know you've been reading and don't mind that guy talk.  I know how you roll. I'm trained well.   Take a look at your man, you know you can ride circles around him and you'd look pretty good riding  on a new  bike too.  Jewelry only flashes when the lights are right.  A good bike ride on yours and him on his, says a lot of things but that right there is a couple who is what bad ass is all about.  He's happy now and so are you.

I'm glad we could have this conversation.  

Ice Custom Choppers

We cannot give enough praise to our friend and sometimes mentor Iceman Suavage as he celebrates 10 years of business.  Congratulations Ice!  

You have done more for builders than amost anyone I can think of and while we are grateful to all of the builders of parts, I'm grateful to you for helping me find answers to questions and for your support of what we do.

Like any of us, we log in and do our thing.  Ice does the same and he is generous with his experience and wisdom and that makes him a good person and a good one to know.

Thank you Ice for 10 years of giving back!

Come Ride our Track

If you're testing a possible purchase, just want to come ride,  or bringing your MC or some friends to ride, Badger Motors has a nice track from the ground up to about 1500M.  Ride out requests are available at the landing.  Send your completed requests to Mikal Brinner and Lizzy Nightfire.  If one of us isn't online, the other will be sure to get your ride out scheduled.

There is a timed track at the first level sos you can lay down some times and see your name in lights.  The boards are reset monthly.

Come Ride At Badger Motors

10 Lap Challenge Season Opens

Ride up from the ground to the first level which is where we will resume the 10 Lap Challenge.  The rules are listed on the board:  
  • you have to be a Badger Motors group member at the time of competition and through the end of the month when the winner is announced
  • you have to compete on a Badger Motors created vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle)
  • fastest average speed over 10 consecutive laps wins a new Badger Motors vehicle of your choosing


We finished our Badger Motors Game Pier!  If you're bringing a group and want to hang out after a ride out or while you're providing thoughtful consideration about your next vehicle purchase, come play some games.  We have many!

Have Fun At Badger Motors

We Are Badger Motors

Lizzy and I have been all things Badger since 2013 and from an early morning texts or late night goodnights, it is all things all Badger.  This is why we called our business Badger Motors, not because we're trendy but because it is us and what we're about.  

Our group members and customers, they're Badgers too.  We hit the world and while there are two of us, we are Badgers.  Anything else is an imitation.

A Badger Shopping Event

Out for release at a 25% discount is our latest releases, the Eclipse IV and the Cheyenne and Icon Roadster. These bikes feature several custom paints and ride like a champs.    The Eclipse is a rebuild, rescript and re-release of our most popular bike.  Past owners of the Eclipse can check our Redilivery terminal for an update and if you didn't get one, find us inworld.


Find our latest models for 2024 along with past models in our vendors 
across the grid.


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