When I started riding in SL, I would spend a lot of time on timed tracks, playing with different bikes and immersing myself into SL vehicles. So much so that Lizzy and I created a fairly popular blog profiling different vehicles and the experiences you can enjoy with them.
That's what SL is about, experiences. Variety is its own contributor to new experiences. I don't judge but there are some who still ride bikes that are over 10 years old, with older scripts, older styling and these same riders may be missing out on that new and rewarding experience which can be obtained from a new bike.
Builders set up their bikes differently. The process of learning a new bike is an experience in and of itself. Its fun. With the hundreds of different bikes we tested in our blog, we became much better riders. Our performance was not based upon familiarity but on growing our skills as riders.
Just about every bike built and sold in SL can get around a track. Some require more attention than others and then there are bikes that are smooth, that flow, that have the right vibe and the right feel. You're riding, not fighting to keep the bike on the track.
The experiences we get through our customers are what keeps us doing what we do. When we hear, "love your bikes" or "your bikes are so smooth." We know we are doing something right but we also know, we have to keep trying to make our product....our bikes...better. Because, we aren't really selling bikes, we are selling an experience and that experience should be fun!
Give us a try at Badger Motors. You'll get the bike you absolutely want and you'll be treated like you matter. Because you do.
Join the Badger Motors Experience and make your journey incredible!
10 Lap Challenge Season Opens
- you have to be a Badger Motors group member at the time of competition and through the end of the month when the winner is announced
- you have to compete on a Badger Motors created vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle)
- fastest average speed over 10 consecutive laps wins a new Badger Motors vehicle of your choosing
Have Fun At Badger Motors
We Are Badger Motors
Our group members and customers, they're Badgers too. We hit the world in 2013 and while there are two of us, we are Badgers. Anything else is an imitation.
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